File Sharing: Copyright Problem
Internet has brought us a lot of convenience. We can easily share files with other people by using file sharing. File sharing is forwardly share our computer files on the network. Generally, we will use p2p (peer-to-peer) file sharing mode. The file itself exists on the user's own PC. Most of the people who participate in file sharing as well as download sharing files from other users. Sometimes these two actions are linked.
I want to talk a little bit about music file sharing.

After the popularity of high-speed Internet terminals, anonymous file sharing system became popular such as Napster. In an addition, small volume but very high quality sound file formats such as MP3 provide some helps for the success of file sharing. While file sharing itself is a legitimate technology, but some people use it to download copyrighted files. This has led to counterattack for file sharing from some copyright owners. There is a great controversy of legal consequences of file sharing. Especially if people share files are from different countries that have different laws, then this problem will become very complicated. The early 2000s, file sharing community was constantly impacted. Record Industry Association and some record companies attempted to shut down more and more file sharing. But their efforts were not very successful because new systems kept appearing and replaced the closed systems. What's more, many of these new systems didn't have central server so that they couldn't close them all by using law. Some other systems escaped to some countries that the laws were unable to attack them.
Hi Wenlong,
ReplyDeleteI also think that file sharing has lead to a huge increase in the number of people getting their hands on free content illegally. And I think the way that corporations have been trying to deal with this problem has been unsuccessful because they are just punishing their legitimate customers by forcing them to deal with layers of DRM before they can access the actual content they paid for, while their pirating counterpart can start accessing the content right away. So they should just remove DRM from their files as their efforts are typically cracked soon after being released so there is really no point in making DRM in the first place.
Hi Wenlong,
ReplyDeleteWhen I open your blog, the cute image with two hanging people is fresh my eyes. It makes me have interesting to continuo to read. Your blog is taking about copyright problem and file sharing. Actually, I download music or video from internet by using some software such as Torrent. It is so convenient to use to download what I want to watch or listen. Even I know that I am sometimes against the copyright, but I cannot stop.
Hi Wenlong,
ReplyDeleteCopyright is an issue that seems bother several industries nowadays. Much of which comes from the issue your post claims that people are uploading and downloading files. I concur that the record industry has tried to use legal channels to counter this with limited success. Most likely whatever any company does people will find a way around them. Just as prohibition made crime skyrocket so will new laws and measures against downloading files.
Hello Wenlong,
ReplyDeleteGreat job on the blog. One thing that really stood out to me was the interesting pictures that were not only informative but very interesting to look at. I also thought it was very interesting about the music sharing history and how it all started with Napster which ultimately ended up with law suits. Another thing I’m really happy you did was provide your sources from where you got your information from because a lot of people tend to forget.
Hi Wenlong!
ReplyDeleteGreat post! I especially love the images you included, especially the last one. I also like how focusing on a specific type of file sharing. I actually never thought about how the different laws in other countries would affect file sharing. It was definitely an interesting and thought provoking read. I don’t think people will ever stop obtaining copyrighted material through file sharing but I believe I saw a statistic that stated that it has gone down with the introduction of Spotify, Pandora, and etc.
Overall, I really enjoyed reading your post! I look forward to reading more form you.
Hi Wenlong, piracy seems to be a hot topic these days. It's painfully obvious with the seizure and removal of Megaupload. It really bothers me the copyright law is so broad that companies can take stuff down freely as they wish. An entire website that thousands of people depend on for storage should not be removed just because some people don't like some of the files that are on there. I hope to read more from you in the future.
ReplyDeleteHi Wenlong,
ReplyDeleteGreat post on why file-sharing has been a hot subject. I've mainly heard of complaints against it by the entertainment industry due to the sharing of copyrighted music and such. Taking it to the international level certainly puts things in new perspective, like you mentioned how different countries have different laws, but how this applies to the internet hasn't really been formed yet, or as far as I know. I think a big question then would be, is it possible to even put international boundaries on the internet.
Awesome post, to me file sharing should not be permitted because One of the risks that users who practice file sharing get is exposure to viruses.The decrease in sales, the fact that it is not fair use, the risk of exposure to viruses, and the fact that it leads to lawsuits are risks and facts which make file sharing a major issue that should be regulated. File sharing is wrong in many ways, and it also affects everyone one, from consumers to major companies. The time has come for congress to open their eyes and realize the tremendous impact file sharing has on our society and economy and put more strict laws on the practice of file sharing.