Friday, August 30, 2013

Welcome To My Blog

Hi everyone! Welcome to my blog! I invite all of you to my new blog. Let me introduce myself. My name is Wenlong Zhang. I’m from China and I have been the USA for five years. I am going to graduate after next semester. My major is Computer Science. I already learned some programming languages such as C, C++, C#, and Java. I love writing programs. Before writing a program, I need to design how this program achieves the tasks. I can have many ideas and methods. Then I choose an efficient thought and translate into codes. After that, computers only can follow my instructions to work and complete the tasks. I can sit in front of a computer and write codes for a very long time. I know this is not a healthy habit, but however, it’s hard to stop when we are doing something we are interested in. What’s more, I feel exciting, satisfaction, and a sense of accomplishment after I finished a complex program. This is what I find exciting about the field of computer science. On the other hand, challenges also exist. This field requires us to think a lot. In my opinions, what computer scientists do is connect human’s minds with electronic devices. So we need many new creative ideas to keep to go on and to improve.

1 comment:

  1. From your blog, I know that you are the fourth year computer science major student. I feel that programing is something that you are interested in. Do not bother by “long time sit and code”. When people find where their passion is, they will be easily immersed in it and lose to track time. Passion is a trait which an excellent programmer owns. Actually, programming is my weak point and I am admired for your computer coding abilities very much.
    The picture in your welcome blog fits perfectly with your blog content. The picture’s colors match your blog’s background also. From the picture, I can image that you are just standing on the origin where the figure pointed, and you study hard to spread your capabilities gradually to the computer field.
    From your blog, I can image that you are standing in front of me to tell me your personal technique skill, such as C, C++, C# and Java, and what are your interests. I can feel your passion, your hard working and your satisfaction.
    There is a grammatical error. In the last but one sentence: what computer scientists do is connect human’s minds with electronic devices. There are two verbs in one sentence.
