Friday, September 20, 2013

LinkedIn and Branding: Great Tool for Employ

LinkedInLinkedIn is a social networking service (SNS) website for business customers, founded in December 2002 and launched in 2003. The purpose of this site is to allow registered users to maintain their contacts from business dealings and trust, commonly known as Connections. “As of June 2013, LinkedIn reports more than 225 million acquired users in more than 200 countries and territories.” (LinkedIn) There is a new member to join LinkedIn every second. And the United States the number of users has dropped to only 38%.

With the development of LinkedIn, it also gradually inclined to build a bridge between college students and enterprises. Social media develop rapidly in the field of job searching, which is gradually replacing the traditional job search model and has become increasingly popular for graduates. LinkedIn, as a social media, has made remarkable achievements in graduates job searching. It’s because LinkedIn continue to provide more interaction between companies and graduates.

EmployTo some people, LinkedIn is the most boring website; and to other people, it is a powerful tool to help people hopping and getting promotion in workplaces. No matter how you look at LinkedIn, they have opened up their own piece of the market. In my opinions, the game and IT professionals get most benefit on LinkedIn because the of mobility these two industry are huge. Game industry staff always change their workplaces so that they need immediate effect. For example, a company is got attention by a game publisher. Then they suddenly need 50 experienced art staff, 5 designers, and 7 programmers. This project maybe can last one to two years. But these staff have to start looking for a new job at the end of the project. Game companies are looking for experienced staff. If they already had LinkedIn accounts, everyone will immediately know they are currently unemployed. So it can create the chance to hire again.

I’m new to LinkedIn. But after the introduction from my professor and some researches, I realize LinkedIn is a great platform to sell myself as a product online. As well, I can gain lots of super helpful information, such as current available positions and companies.

"LinkedIn." Wikipedia. 20 Sept. 2013 <>.


  1. Wenlong,

    Good job on the blog. I like how you explain the website and its features in an easy manner. I also like how you emphasize on LinkedIn's importance and need even though it isn't everyone's favorite website.
    What i would suggest to make the post a bit more technical is to emit all the references in the end and instead, use links to emphasize your references. You can look at some of my Blog Posts from the past to get an idea. Also, your grammar may need some editing (I work as a tutor at the San Jose City College Reading Writing Center, and picking grammatical errors is my favorite thing to do. Just Kidding! )
    But yeah, work on the points that I've suggested and you can further enhance your Posts.
    Happy Blogging!

    - Tushar

  2. HI WenLong
    I enjoyed reading your blog; it is very interested for what people should know about LinkedIn, especially for student like us. I can see that LinkedIn has the potential to be extremely helpful and people are outraged that LinkedIn is opening the doors to us to choose a career and begin a resume. Having a LinkedIn profile is always a good way to boost professional credentials.
    LinkedIn can be an amazing resource if used effectively. There are so many helpful people and experts on LinkedIn who are willing to help and share their knowledge… put yourself “out there” and take advantage of it all! You CAN do it!
    We can hope that we can take advantage of this to pursue college ambitions and not get too ahead of ourselves.
